Golf Tournaments
Many different types of Golf Tournament Registration sites can be set up through the Eventsquid system. What follows are some best practices!
You will need to have completed your onboarding to really most of your Golf Tournament Registration but this will provide a good start. This guide is meant to be used in conjunction with the Golf Tournament Template - from your Event Dashboard, click Create New Event and choose the Charity Golf Tournament template under Specialty Registration.
The first consideration when setting up a Golf Tournament Registration site is the level of information you need from each golfer, especially if you are offering foursomes. By nature, the “foursome” is a collection of four golfers, typically registered by one person. The main registrant will be required to complete your registration form and then select the “foursome” registration item. For the guests (additional golfers), you have two options:
1. Simple Guest (recommended). Use this “guest” method to have the main registrant simply add the names and some basic information about their teammates / other golfers comprising the foursome.
2. Full Guest. Use this “guest” method when you need each golfer – whether part of a foursome or a single golfer – to be fully registered by completing the registration form.
Simple Guest is easiest to setup and easy for your registrants to make changes to their foursome. Read this article for more on Guest Setup.
Note that we will use the term “guest” because it relates to the main function within the system. You can change the label to “teammate” if you like in the Guest Setup area.
Typical Setup: Golfers
- Create your registration items using Enhanced Registration items. This will allow you to assign a specific number of guests. Create an item for each type of golfer package you are offering.
- Under Guest Setup (simple), activate and choose Simple Guest. Choose your guest label.
- In the second section, you will set how many golfers are included with each item.
- Choose the information you need to collect on each additional golfer. You can choose the custom fields for a write-in. For example, you can add Handicap and the main registrant would be required to enter the Handicap of each golfer
- If your tournament gives no discount for foursomes or you want to keep a limit for all golfers, you can create a Simple Registration item. The Base Price should be the price per golfer. Set the limit per attendee to the total number of golfers you want someone to be able to register. For example, set the Limit Per Attendee to 8 if you want to allow someone to register two foursomes. In the Guest Setup section, you would select this as the guest triggering item.
Most charity golf tournaments have sponsors. Sponsorship levels vary, with the most important distinction for registration setup being whether the sponsorship level includes golf or not.
For sponsorship levels including golfers, you can leverage the Free Extras function which will allow you to connect a sponsorship level and the golfer items already setup.
- Create your sponsorship level registration items using your Enhanced Registration item.
- Within the registration item, click on the Free Extras tab on the left. Select the golfer package corresponding to the sponsor level.
- Remember you can always create other golfer packages to conform to your unique sponsor levels. For example, if you have a level with six golfers, simply create a Six Golfer registration item, price it, then include it as a Free Extra
Hole Sponsors
If you offer a Hole Sponsorship, and want the sponsor to choose the hole, you have a couple of options.
- Use Sub-Classes. Create your Hole Sponsor item as an Enhanced or Simple Registration item. If using the latter, set the quantity per registrant to 1.
- Within the registration item, click on the Sub-Class menu on the left, then click Manage Sub-Classes.
- Choose the Option sub-class. Create a option for each hole. Hole 1, Hole 2, etc., up to Hole 18. You will want the limit for each hole to be 1 unless you allow two or more sponsors to sponsor the same hole
- Use Click-N-Buy Spaces. Choose Click-N-Buy Spaces under Specialty Registration in the Registration section of the event builder.
o Create and Manage Spaces. Click New Map then click settings. For number of spaces, choose 18 (one for each hole).
o On the Space Map builder, you can upload an image of the golf course layout.
o Simply drag the spaces from the stack on the upper left of your canvas. Drag space one to the tee box for hole one, drag the next space to the tee box for hole two, etc.
o Activate the map and close down the space map builder
o Under the items, choose Hole Sponsor.
o Note that you can create multiple space maps. For example, you might want to create one map for the Front Nine and one for the Back Nine.
o You can also charge a premium for specific holes. For example, you charge $500 for hole sponsorship but hole 9 and 18 are $750. Include the $500 price in the registration item as the Base Price. Within the Space Map (create and manage spaces), scroll to the bottom to view the manifest. Next to Hole 9, add the price of $250 and click update. Repeat for Hole 18.
o Is a Hole Sponsorship included in one of the other sponsorship packages? Just include it as a Free Extra from the sponsorship level item!
You can offer Add-Ons like Mulligans, T-Shirts, Meals, Club Rentals and the like. Simply create your registration items, describe and price them.
The system doesn’t allow the registrant to “write-in” the amount they’d like to donate. Instead, create options for the registrant (registrants are more likely to donate when they can simply choose an amount).
Get creative with the levels of donation and create as many as you want. You can also offer a variable amount.
Registration Profiles
You can use Registration Profiles to keep it simple for your registrants. The most common profiles are “Golfers” and “Sponsors”. The Golfer profile only offers the golf options and no sponsorship items. The Sponsor profile typically asks them to upload their logo when registering and offers the Sponsorship and Golfer items (since some levels include golf).
Other Features and Functions
You can use all of the features and functions within the registration site to support your Golf Tournament Registration. Here are a few that are most commonly used.
- Sponsor Manager. Use the Sponsor Manager to highlight you sponsor’s on the website.
- Table Assigner. Use the Table Assigner to come up with your Pairings or Foursomes (from single golfers, etc).