Eventsquid employs two key methods of adding speakers to your event:
- Manual Method: manually input speaker information and materials that may or may not be connected to user accounts. They can be set to display on your website and agenda.
- Registration Method: capture/import speaker data and materials through a custom registration form built by you. The speaker profile is connected to a user account automatically.
See below for a video tutorial on these two methods. Continue reading below for a written walkthrough.
Enter the AGENDA section of the Event Builder, then click the Speaker Manager tool. Speakers, like tracks, are created once and saved at the organization level. This means speaker scan be re-posted from event to event.
If you have added speakers to a past event, you will see them in a list when clicking the ADD SPEAKER button.
Click the Create New Speaker button, then click I don't see my speaker. Create now. A modal will appear allowing you to manually create a speaker.
If you decide to add an email address to the speaker profile, this person will receive an email notice explaining that a new speaker account has been created for them.
This account will give this speaker the ability to upload their own headshot and presentation documents directly to their speaker profile. They can do this by logging into and accessing the MY UPLOADS area from the main menu (the user can click their name in the upper right corner after logging in to access this menu).
As the event admin, you can also update the speakers uploads and credentials. Once the speaker is added to your event roster, you can modify their profile in the Speaker Manager tool:
Now you know how to manually add a speaker to your database and event. Now, let's see how you can offload the work of adding new speaker profiles and require the speakers themselves submit their own content through the registration process.
With this method, speakers register using a custom form that you build. Within that form, they can upload content (i.e. headshot and presentation documents), add a bio and submit other information that you request.
First, enter the REGISTRATION tab in the Event Builder. Select the Custom Profiles tool on the left. Click to create a new profile for speaker registration.
NOTE: If speaker registration is free, consider creating an Enhanced Registration Item called "Speaker Access". Keep the base price at $0. Later, you can place this item on the speaker profile. This will allow speakers to bypass other item selection and register for free.
Next, click the black pencil icon on the right side of the profile to enter the editor. Flip the USES DEFAULT SETTINGS switch in the upper right corner to release this profile from the Default Form configuration. Then, click the FORM PROMPTS tab at the top of the editor:
Scroll to the bottom of the prompt pick list box until you see the SPEAKER INFORMATION group of fields. The Checkbox for Speaker Status prompt is the most important setting in this process. When activated, registrants will see the following required prompt at the beginning of the registration form:
When opted YES, the registrant (upon completed) will be added to your reserve list of speakers in the Speaker Manager tool (access reserved/saved speakers by click the Add Speaker button).
In the FORM PROMPT editor of the Custom Profile, you can also activate the following prompts. When content is entered into the following, your admin can import into the speaker profile:
- Bio
- Speaker Program
- Speaker Program Title
- File Uploads (see screenshot below - it is found below the prompt pick list box)
Once a speaker completes their registration, your admin can post their information to your event website.
Enter the Speaker Manager tool, then click the Add Speaker button. You will see the new speaker in your reserve list. Use the dropdown to the right to give them a designation for the event.
Once added to the event roster, you can import the content that the speaker entered during registration. Simply open the speaker's profile below, then use the various import buttons:
- Click grab it here at the top left to pull in the headshot the speaker upload
- Click to import the Program Title and Program Description
- Below, click to import the Bio
If the speaker uploaded documents in addition to a headshot, you will see a thumbnail for each at the very bottom of the speaker's individual profile. To configure these documents for display on the website, enter the Speaker Documents tool (also within the AGENDA section of the Event Builder).
Users that are logged in and registered for your event and rate speakers on a scale of 1-5 starts, in 5 different categories.
The five rating categories on the speaker review page are customizable. In the Speaker Manager tool, click to open a speaker's profile editor. Towards the bottom, you'll see a RATINGS section. Here, you can:
- Deactivate reviews for this speaker
- Restrict user's ability to review a speaker based on registration items selected during registration
- Change rating category names (changes on one speaker reflect across all to keep a level playing field)
At the very top of the Speaker Manager roster, you can also DISABLE REVIEWS FOR ALL SPEAKERS with a single click.
The RATING DETAILS button will show you the ratings data for that particular speaker.
On the Event Dashboard, click the reporting icon on top of your event. You will see a few speaker-related reporting options:
- SPEAKER REPORT: pre-formatted grid report organized by agenda slot ID. Shows the time/location of the slot, the speaker attached and the bio of that attached speaker.
- SPEAKER RATING DETAIL REPORT: pre-formatted grid report organized by the "rater"; shows each individual rating that was submitted and the speaker that received the review
- SPEAKER RATING SUMMARY REPORT: pre-formatted grid report organized by speaker; shows the average ratings in all categories per speaker