The Activation & Payment Methods tool in the Event Builder contains the settings needed to activate your event registration for public usage and event payment.
If your event is completely free, you can remove all pricing an payment tools. Enter the Event Builder and select the EVENT BASICS tab. Then click the Basic Event Information tool on the left.
Scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the OPTIONAL ATTRIBUTES section. Then, flip the Pricing & Payment Tools dropdown so that the event is designated as 100% FREE.
To activate registration, set the switch to the right of Activate Registration to ON.
If your event registration has any item that has a cost, you will need to set the PAYMENT method(s) you want to offer before you can activate registration.
You can offer Pay Online and or an Offline Payment method. An Offline Payment method would allow a person to complete registration without making a payment at time of registration.
This switch will allow people to register for your event - administrators can register when this switch is off to test registration.
You might also flip this switch on before registration is technically open in an effort to test the event's registration flow as a non admin user (using a different email address) before giving access to the public.
Just above the Activate Registration switch, you will also see a TEST button. This button can be used by an admin to test your registration flow without having to flip the activation switch.
Eventsquid allows organizations the ability to connect one of four accepted payment processors. Follow our GUIDELINES on connecting a payment processor to your Eventsquid Dashboard.
When connected, admins can choose to activate the option for attendees to pay for registration fees online. If Pay Online is the ONLY payment method that is activated for an event, registrants that obtain a balance due through the registration process will be required to pay their balance in full at checkout.
The Eventsquid system allows you to add a processing fee which is added to the registrant's shopping cart. The processing fee can either be a flat fee or a percentage of the total purchase price.
The processing fee is assessed on each transaction; meaning it will be added to the initial registration and each time the registrant adds an item and checks out. The processing fee will show up on the registrant's invoice as a separate line item.
The processing fee can by applied to Credit/Debit Card transactions only or applied to all transactions.
Note that the processing fee simply adds to the registrant's total amount due. The total amount due is then passed to your payment processor (for credit/debit card payments). The payment processors fees will be calculated off of the total amount processed. To completely offset the payment processor fee, the amount added through Eventsquid should be higher than the amount charged by the payment processor.
You can allow registrants to complete a registration without online payment by offering an Offline Payment Method. The most common methods are Pay at the Event or Pay by Mail (Check or wire). The system has these two offline methods defined for your convenience. You can also create your own offline method which consists of a name and instructions.
Notice the EDIT PAYMENT INFO link inside the "Pay by Mail or Wire" option. Click this to reveal a set of fields which allow you to designate check and PO payment instructions for registrants that choose this method. The instructions inputted here will display atop the final invoice, on the confirmation page and within the confirmation email that is sent to registrants.
The custom offline payment method option allows you to create new methods, with a corresponding set of instructions. At checkout, any custom option will appear after the registrant clicks the FINISH & PAY LATER button. A dropdown will reveal any option(s) you have activated for the event.
You can always EDIT or DELETE any custom options you have created in the past.
Business Rules
When you offer multiple payment options, your processes can become more involved. For example, if you offer an offline payment method, it is your responsibility to manage the account receivables and ensure payment is collected before the event begins.
When offering OFFLINE payment methods in addition to Pay Online, you will need to decide whether to also allow a "pay online later" options to those registrants selecting an offline payment method.
If your accounting practices prohibit someone electing to "pay by mail" (or any other offline method) from paying online via Credit/Debit card post registration, do not check the box "also allow pay online later".
If you are flexible, then go ahead and check the box to "also allow pay online later".
You can override this by sending an email through the Communication Center and include a "Pay Now" button to any registrant with a balance due.
- From your main dashboard, click the Communication Center tab
- On the lefthand side, click the dropdown menu to the right of List Source and select your event
- On the lefthand side, click the dropdown menu to the right of List Type and select Unpaid Registered Attendees
- This will filter your registrants. Select one or more registrants you want to send an invoice to
- On the righthand side, create your email message
- Under CONTENT BLOCK, check "Include TARGET event balance due information (total due, total paid, remaining)"
- Once that is checked, you can optionally select "Include PAY NOW button if there is a balance due and online payment is activated". Note that this will allow the registrant to PAY BY credit card even if they selected a different pay method at time of registration
You can also do this through the registrant details; click Resend Notices and check the box to include a Pay Now Button.