This article should give you a better idea of what types of check-in options we offer and how exactly to use them best. The article will discuss methods that can be used on desktop, mobile and tablet devices.
Additionally we will discuss where check-in data can be accessed after the event concludes.
In order to best understand the methods of registrant check-in, it is important to understand the 2 different types of check-in stamps:
- EVENT-LEVEL: the event-level check-in stamp allows an admin to mark the attendee as present to the overall event. This is useful because it gives you an easy way to record when attendees initially show up to the door. It can be used in conjunction with item-level check-in.
- ITEM-LEVEL: the item-level check-in stamp allows an admin to mark when a registrant shows up to and leaves a specific activity that occurs during the overall event timeline.
With a thorough understanding of the types of check-in data you can capture for a given registrant, you will start to structure your registration around your business requirements ahead of time.
Below, you'll find an explanation for the different ways in which you / your event staff can access these check-in points.
You can use your event's Registered Attendees list on the Event Dashboard to manually check an attendee into the event. Simply click the green CHECK-IN button to the right of their name:
Once checked in, the system will keep a record of when that person was checked into the event. You can also see when a registrant was checked into the event by looking at their record on the dashboard:
Ever want to check attendees into individual activities or sessions? How about multi-day check-in? Registration Items also give you the ability to capture check-in data.
Think about items as an alternative way to capture a time stamp for a given registrant. This gives you an extra dimension beyond the overall event to record attendee check-in data.
For example, if a registrant is signed up for 3 breakout sessions (i.e. 3 registration items), you have 3 individual activities/items that you can check the registrant into and out of.
You can access item check-in using the Registered Attendees list on the Event Dashboard.
Take the example below - this registrant is signed up for 3 days of "Event Access". Each day is represented by an item, created by the event host.
You can see below that each item has the ability to be stamped for check-in and check-out:
Go to your Event Dashboard and open the live event controls. You'll see a blue CHECK-IN button on the far left side of the event stripe. Click this button:
A window will open with instructions on how to operate tablet check-in. To activate, simply click the Open Tablet Check-In button under Step 3 to activate it. A new window will open up - we recommend using a tablet to display the tablet check-in window.
On this screen, the registrant simply has to enter two pieces of information:
- CONFIRMATION # (this is located at the top of the confirmation email)
Once they enter these pieces of data and click the CHECK-IN button to confirm, the registrant is finished and they are checked into the overall event. Note that you are not able to use self check-n for time stamping specific registration items.
Admin check-in places the power of attendee check-in into the hands of your on-site event staff.
A registrant can obtain a QR code for the event...
- With a badge (that you generate)
- Via the confirmation email or Communication Center email
- Through your event's mobile web app
With this in mind, there are multiple places an event staff member can request that an attendee pull up their QR code for scanning.
To scan the QR code, an event staff can use:
- One of our two free, QR scanning apps:
See video overview here.
Instead of your on-site team bearing the majority of the check-in responsibility, you can offload this task onto the registrants themselves by activating self check-in.
Recall that tablet check-in (described above) would act as a self check-in mechanism for registrants signing into the overall event.
The mobile self check-in mechanism is strictly for registrants checking themselves into / out of specific activities (registration items). The goal of self check-in is to validate registrant attendance to certain sessions / activities.
Self check-in requires that you, the admin, designate codes for checking in and checking out of a specific registration. This prevents people from time stamping their itinerary when they didn't actually attend the session. This is an especially important security tool for events that award credit hours for attending certain sessions.
To configure, navigate to the Registration Items tool in the Event Builder. Click on your item to open its settings panel. Click the ACCESS tab on the left and you will see for self check-in is configured - take a look at the screen below:
The first step in configuring self check-in is to designate check-in and check-out codes. Again, you'll need to do this for every registration item that you'd like to allow self check-in for.
Now, registrants that picked self-check-in-enabled items will see a green SELF CHECK-IN button at the top of the main mobile menu (after signing in):
After tapping the Self Check-In button, the user will be taken to a screen with all registration items that they have that are also available for self check-in. Tapping either button will prompt the user to enter the corresponding code.
The goals of self check-in are:
- To offload the work of check-in on the registrant, which allows the attendee to interact with the app more
- Validate real attendance of a specific activity or session
The codes enable you to do this. A common strategy to manage self check-in is to distribute codes to session / activity leaders prior to the event start. This way, leaders can distribute codes before and after the session ends. In other words, the only way a registrant can obtain the proper codes for check-in is by actually attending the activity.
From your EVENT DASHBOARD, click the report menu to the left of your event (sheet of paper icon with a checkmark). Choose Report Builder atop the report menu and click "Create New".
For EVENT LEVEL check-in, scroll down on the lefthand side and click the header "Event Check In Info".
For ITEM LEVEL check-in, on the lefthand menu, scroll down to "Registration Items" and click the gear icon. This will reveal a menu to choose which fields you want to report on for each registration item. Choose Check-In, Check-Out.
Then select the registration items you'd like to report the check-in and check-out information on.
For more, see REPORT BUILDER
From the reporting menu, select the CEU/Volunteer Tracking report option. This report is meant to line up courses alongside their corresponding CEU hours and when each registrant checked into and out of that session.