What are custom profiles? Why use them?
Let's say you have an event for which multiple types of people will come to register, but you can't present all registrant types with the same form. Some types may have different rates/fees, some might have special VIP options, others may need to enter data for specific questions (i.e. membership information).
In this type of scenario, we would say that you need multiple registration forms, or "pathways" through registration. Said another way, we need a way to handle different Registrant Types. Custom Profiles are the way to create those different types in our system, each with their own customizable registration form.
Here's a quick video primer on Custom Profiles:
With the Custom Profiles tool, you have the power to create multiple, custom registration forms. The tool allows you to allocate form prompts and registration items to the proper forms that you create.
With profiles active, registrants will be prompted to pick their profile at the beginning of registration. From there, they will fill out the form that you created especially for them.
In the Event Builder, navigate to the REGISTRATION tab. Then, click CUSTOM PROFILES on the left. This page will display an overview of all profiles you have created for an event. Look at the screenshot below to see an example event's set of profiles:
Click the blue Profile Diagram button to see an interactive flowchart/breakdown of your profile setup. The diagram will show you what registration items and prompts you currently have assigned to each profile:
Click BACK TO CUSTOM PROFILES and you will return to the profile grid. Let's take a look at the grid view in a little more detail:
Other key indicators on this page include:
- Profile Action: click the small black pencil icon on the right to enter the editor for that profile. Click the red X icon to delete a profile.
- Profile Expiry: This date determines when the profile will no longer be available. You can also have different profiles running with different expiry dates.
- Form Default Status: Signifies if a Custom Profiles is using the Default Registration Form settings (reference our article Basic Registration Setup for more on the Default Form). Think of Default status as the the profile using a "common form" that can be used across multiple profiles:
- If your custom profiles say "Default" in this column, this means your profiles will use the form settings that are currently setup in the default Registration Form tool.
- The profile will say "Custom" in this column if its form settings are unique to that profile
- You can change the forms status (i.e. Custom or Default) of a profile by entering the editor for that profile and flipping the switch at the top right corner that says USES DEFAULT SETTINGS
- Active Status: You can independently activate profiles for your event using the Active checkbox. This is the on switch for the profile - once active, the profile will be available for selection by the registrant
QUICK TIP: Why use Custom Profiles AND the Default Registration Form? What's the point of going custom? How do I know which to use?
These can be tough questions to answer when first setting up your event. First, ask yourself if you have multiple registrant types. If the answer is yes, decide if each type should be exposed to certain registration options (i.e. different fees for registration). If the answer is yes, you need Custom Profiles to separate your different Registration ITEM offerings into different forms.
Now, you need to decide if these forms should pose different registration PROMPTS (or questions). Do you need to gather different information from each of these types of registrants? If the answer is no, then that means your registrant types can use the same from PROMPTS. In this case, those Custom Profiles can share the Default Registration Form (i.e. same prompt list). You can leave your custom profiles on DEFAULT status.
If, however, each profile needs a different set of prompts, you will need to flip those custom profiles to custom status. Now, you can configure each profile's registration form to the exact specifications you require.
Click the small black pencil icon on the right side of a profile to enter the profile editor. The first tab (out of 5) of the profile editor is the Profile Items tab. Its primary function is to enable you to allocate registration items to the profile based on the registrant type.
To do so, check the box in the item pick list (mentioned below) next to each item that is eligible to be shown to this particular registrant type.
There are some additional settings in this tab that will also be useful to controlling the behavior of this Custom Profile, or custom form. See below for an explanation of this tab's key settings:
- Optional Registration Button: You can generate a dedicated registration button for your custom profile. Simply give the button a name and use the color palette to decorate.
- When using the Modern site design template, the button will show in a "fly-out" panel after clicking the red REGISTER button on your event homepage
- When using the Classic site design template, the button will show in the "Central Registration Button Panel" on your event homepage
- Application Status: When set as an application, any registrant under this profile will require your manual admin approval. These registrants will appear on your dashboard (Registered Attendees list) with a yellow "Pending" button. Click the button and you will have the opportunity to review their registration details and subsequently either approve or deny the registrant.
- Note that you have 2 options with this setting:
- Payment AFTER approval: requires applicant be approved before having option to pay
- Standard payment: allows applicant to same payment options as non-applicants
- Note that you have 2 options with this setting:
- Item Pick List: The item pick list shows you every single registration item you have created in the Registration Items tool. Check the box next to an item to place it on the custom form / profile. Leave unchecked to NOT show that item on the profile.
At the bottom of the Profile Items tab are a couple key settings.
- Profile Privacy Setting: Setting a profile private will not allow access to a profile unless the user is given a direct link to the profile's registration form. Note: this will only work for FIRST PERSON registration (not third party).
- In the Event Builder, you will see a small chain link icon in the upper right corner - click this button to access all of your custom links for the event
- On this page, there are links to: the mobile app, the event website, your registration form and your custom profiles
- Profile Privacy Setting (sub-account): You can disallow sub-account registrations from having access to your custom profile
- Recall sub-accounts are registrants without email addresses - they are attendees that have been registered under a master account
Now view the remaining 4 tabs at the top of the profile editor:
The 5 remaining tabs represent the remaining aspects to your registration form, aside from items:
- FORM PROMPTS: what prompts will you post to registrants filling out this form?
- FORM TEXT: add instructional / guideline text to your registration form
- CONFIRMATION PAGE: provide custom links and messaging on the confirmation page
- EMAIL: add custom content to the confirmation email these registrants will receive
- EMAIL IMAGES: customize the banner graphic and logo within the confirmation email
Now, notice the switch in the upper right corner. It says USES DEFAULT SETTINGS. This is the switch we referenced earlier - it allows you to direct a profile to use the Default Form settings or use its own settings.
Currently, the "Sponsors" profile is using the default settings (see screenshot above). This means you are not able to customize the form settings (Prompts, Form Text, Confirmation Page, Confirmation Email) for this profile. That is why each of the 4 form editing tabs are inactive in the profile editor.
When a profile is using the default form settings, the editing of that form will take place in the REGISTRATION FORM tool, under BASIC SETUP section on the left menu.