There are several ways to communicate with your registrants.
Email Directly from your Email system
While there are communication vehicles within the Eventsquid platform, you can always email a registrant directly through your own email system. To access a registrants email address:
View Registration Details. On your Eventsquid dashboard, you can search for a registrant and click their name to reveal the details panel. Click Personal Profile on the left and you can copy the email address associated with the registration.
Reports. Use the Report Builder or Registrant Summary report and select email as a reportable field.
Registration Notifications. You can set up registration notifications and receive an email each time someone registers for the event or an item within the event. In the body of the email, you can elect to receive the email address of the registrant. See Registration Notifications.
Through Eventsquid
Quick Email. Best for sending a single email. On your Eventsquid dashboard, you can search for a registrant and click their name to reveal the details panel. Click Quick Email on the left.
Communication Center has all of the options for sending emails to registrants
You may also want to explore Invitations